Chemical composition analysis of various materials are done on a daily basis throughout a number of industries. When it comes to analysis and characterization of materials, analytical analysis costs can sometimes be a restrictive factor for most clients. However the sensitivity, quantification and ease of operation and cost efficiency of a Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) is often overlooked by many researchers. This technique is always a good starting point for your materials characterization and investigative endeavours. FTIR is a versatile technique and can be applied through the entire life cycle of polymeric materials including design, manufacture, failure and recycling or repurpose sectors.
Benefits of FTIR analyses:
Non-destructive technique
No sample preparation needed
Analysis of samples in both solid and liquid states
Transmission and ATR modes
Short analysis times
Good sensitivity and quantification
Examples of FTIR applications in material science:
Verification of chemical composition of synthesized material
Probe material degradation
Analyse blend ratios and blend compositions
Confirm chemical modifications
Probe contamination within samples
Crystalline morphology analysis
Degree of curing or crosslinking
So next time, consider making FTIR your point of departure for your materials characterization journey and thereafter, if necessary, back it up with more sophisticated analytical tools.